Monday, September 13, 2010

Why Everyone Needs a Hobby?

Everyone needs a hobby to feel alive.

Do you have a hobby? Many years back while I was browsing on Friendster, I noticed many of my friends left the 'hobby' portion in their profile page blank. Initially, I thought perhaps they just want to remain private.

Recently, I met some of these friends and I asked what do they normally do during their free time. The first answer I got was "I do not have any free time". Even when I probe further like what do they do during the holidays - their answer would be "I stay at home".

Everyone lives till the day their eulogy is being read. Usually, the eulogy is delivered by the person closes to the decease. No managers would stand before everyone to give an eulogy of their subordinates in a manner like giving a work appraisal. Seldom anyone would mention the KPIs (Key Performance Index) that the deceased had achieved in that fiscal year. So in my opinion work/career is not the utmost importance to living a legacy for everyone to remember by.

I delivered a eulogy for my dad not too long ago and I realized that there would be nothing to say if I haven't mentioned my dad's passion for food, cars, love of family and his weekly 4D betting (love you, Pa).

Thus, it has left me thinking on what I would like to be remembered for if my days are up.

If you believe that you only live each day once, photography is the best tool to capture the everyday images. Memories are imprinted in our minds as images. A camera would be the very tool that you need to recall these memories.

I love photography because it allows me to create small personal memories for the person I am taking. That very photo is time stamped and belongs privately to that person.

To see more of my work, please drop by my webpage


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